A little Quiz
1. Name 3 people at random.
2.Whats your favorite food?
3.Pick any 2 songs.
4. Who is the closest person in your age range
that lives
near you? (Must be of the opposite sex)
5.Whats your favorite movie?
6.If you had to choose Hanson, Manson,
Or Mozart?
7.Whats the first thing you do every morning?
8.What time is it?
9.What grade are you in/going in to?
10. Make a wish!!!!!!!
1. yOU Are keeping something from these people,
or they are
keeping somthing from you!
2. You will produce/make/grow/bake this
many times in your
later life!
3. 1st song- You will always remeber!
2nd song- You will dance to
on a date!
4. This person has a secret crush on you!
5. You will see this movie with your next
6. If you chose :
Hanson- Your head is always in the clouds
Manson-You are very serious and set in life
Mozart- You stick to old habbits
7. Youll start doing this every night soon!
8. Thats how many hours & minutes you
have to send this!
9. Thats how many people you get to
send this to for your
wish to come true!
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